Financial Summary
Farm Business Management - Moorhead
Northland Community and Technical College
(Farms Sorted By Net Farm Income)

Avg. Of
All Farms Low 20% 40 - 60% High 20%
Number of farms 78 15 15 16
Income Statement
Gross cash farm income 609,506 168,736 567,976 1,050,397
Total cash farm expense 469,835 135,002 439,471 791,362
Net cash farm income 139,671 33,735 128,505 259,036
Inventory change 22,440 -1,972 22,247 63,465
Depreciation and capital adjust -25,552 -9,450 -28,133 -38,775
Net farm income 136,558 22,313 122,619 283,725
Profitability (cost)
Labor and management earnings 98,915 9,846 89,411 211,074
Rate of return on assets 10.2 % 3.5 % 9.6 % 11.9 %
Rate of return on equity 14.2 % 1.6 % 13.9 % 16.8 %
Operating profit margin 18.9 % 7.9 % 18.0 % 22.9 %
Asset turnover rate 53.6 % 44.4 % 53.2 % 51.8 %
Profitability (market)
Labor and management earnings 112,843 11,017 103,902 222,677
Rate of return on assets 9.7 % 3.7 % 9.1 % 10.6 %
Rate of return on equity 15.0 % 3.0 % 14.4 % 16.7 %
Operating profit margin 22.2 % 10.8 % 22.0 % 24.6 %
Asset turnover rate 43.5 % 34.4 % 41.2 % 43.0 %
Ending current ratio 1.54 2.25 1.44 1.54
Ending working capital 106,269 58,977 81,961 153,195
End working capital to gross inc 17.4 % 35.0 % 14.4 % 14.6 %
Term debt coverage ratio 192.8 % 132.8 % 192.6 % 228.2 %
Expense as a percent of income 73.9 % 80.9 % 74.3 % 70.4 %
Interest as a percent of income 4.5 % 5.8 % 4.4 % 4.3 %
Solvency (cost)
Number of sole proprietors 69 15 13 11
Ending farm assets 1,116,483 365,587 1,008,491 2,230,400
Ending farm liabilities 523,752 158,362 521,751 971,244
Ending total assets 1,325,596 519,862 1,159,661 2,585,981
Ending total liabilities 591,455 174,629 588,895 1,089,124
Ending net worth 734,141 345,233 570,767 1,496,857
Net worth change 86,013 10,349 62,268 241,680
Ending farm debt to asset ratio 47 % 43 % 52 % 44 %
Beg total debt to asset ratio 46 % 35 % 52 % 46 %
End total debt to asset ratio 45 % 34 % 51 % 42 %
Solvency (market)
Number of sole proprietors 69 15 13 11
Ending farm assets 1,321,871 472,780 1,175,290 2,563,654
Ending farm liabilities 658,510 199,543 643,961 1,244,271
Ending total assets 1,573,502 668,322 1,350,815 3,045,633
Ending total liabilities 735,390 227,403 715,839 1,387,254
Ending net worth 838,112 440,918 634,976 1,658,379
Net worth change 104,654 16,838 80,286 256,715
Ending farm debt to asset ratio 50 % 42 % 55 % 49 %
Beg total debt to asset ratio 49 % 36 % 55 % 49 %
End total debt to asset ratio 47 % 34 % 53 % 46 %
Nonfarm Information
Net nonfarm income 17,173 24,948 13,135 21,135
Farms reporting living expenses 18 7 2 3
Total family living expense 37,020 29,190 - -
Total living, invest, & capital 66,055 58,749 - -
Crop Acres
Total acres owned 353 253 335 549
Total crop acres 1,747 697 1,878 2,555
Total crop acres owned 293 145 321 530
Total crop acres cash rented 1,406 475 1,464 1,973
Total crop acres share rented 48 77 93 52